6/13/19 10:04 AM

Jon Perry, Homeland Title, LLC - SoftPro Customer Testimonial

Jon Perry from Homeland Title, LLC doubles efficiency with automation in SoftPro 


Customer since 2003

Products used: 
SoftPro Select

What goal has SoftPro helped you reach?

We have, for the last five years, really worked on our core values at Homeland. And we are fast - that's F-A-S-T: So that is friendly, accurate, secure and team-oriented. So we pick our vendors, we pick our realtors, our lenders, we hire employees based on those core values, and so SoftPro is all of those. They're fast, friendly, accurate, secure and they're a team - they're a coworker of ours. 

Why do you do business with SoftPro?

They are, probably other than our underwriters, our largest partners. You know, without SoftPro we couldn't do what we do. We would not be those core values. 

What do you enjoy most about using SoftPro?

Our staff really likes the task features, the automation. It allows them to double their efficiency, so that what they could do before with 30 active files, now they have active files of 70 or 80 per processor. That feature allows them to double their capacity, which causes us to continue to grow in our market without the necessity of having more employees. 

Why would you recommend SoftPro? 

They're a part of your team. You have to have someone that has that much technology, that much innovation, the ability to customize what you do in your office; and without SoftPro, we couldn't operate efficiently, we could not be as accurate or secure. 

Do you have any favorite SoftPro features to share with us? 

Let us know in the comments below or share with us here! We'd love to hear your story! 

Topics: Best Practices, Testimonials & Case Studies

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