2/12/19 2:59 PM

Introducing NextAce Integration in SoftPro 360

NextAce BlogSoftPro announced the release of its integration with NextAce for smart automation, title search and reporting within its SoftPro 360 business exchange platform. SoftPro users will be able to seamlessly produce automated title reports using NextAce’s smart search capabilities.

Patrick Hempen, SoftPro Chief Customer Officer, said, “We are excited to provide SoftPro customers access to this integrated tool from NextAce for quickly examining title records for their orders.”

SoftPro 360 eliminates the need for paper order forms, dual entry, faxes, e-mails and phone calls with automated access to dozens of national vendors such as NextAce. SoftPro customers are able to order third party products and services through the free SoftPro 360 business exchange without leaving their SoftPro environment.

"NextAce and SoftPro have been working together for 10 years, but this addition to the SoftPro 360 platform allows businesses of all sizes to be setup, customized, and in production in minutes,” said Don Cantral, NextAce president and CEO. “That’s never been possible before, and it’s going to give a huge lift to companies who want to modernize their title production to meet the demand for a faster and more efficient closing experience,” added Cantral.

NextAce automation allows title examination orders to be identified, pre-examined, and ready to review in as little as 3-5 minutes. SoftPro customers can benefit from NextAce’s triage methodology to route orders based on their complexity and produce title reports more efficiently. Click here to get started today!

Topics: Integrations