2/28/24 10:47 AM

SoftPro Banking Customer Testimonial – Shayna Paris

Shayna Paris and the team at Navi Title Agency use SoftPro Banking to save time and increase efficiency. We chatted with Shayna about the challenges she faced before using SoftPro Banking and the results of utilizing SoftPro Banking along with their SoftPro Select software.

What is SoftPro Banking? 

The SoftPro Banking platform in SoftPro Select allows users to securely send and receive wire transfers from a network of integrated banks in the United States. SoftPro Banking allows users to seamlessly receipt incoming wires to the appropriate ledger. The platform also allows for the initiation of wire transactions directly from SoftPro Select and, upon appropriate internal approvals, have those requests securely sent to the participating banks for processing. With SoftPro Banking, a user can search incoming wires by numerous fields including the trust account, received date, amount, status, federal reference number, ledger ID, amount, and status, where they can then perform actions such as approving or rejecting the transaction. SoftPro Banking’s sophisticated security permissions allow for the designation of specific users as “approvers” for outgoing wires in addition to approval limits for those designated approvers.

The Challenges without SoftPro Banking

Shayna shared that, before utilizing SoftPro Banking, processing wire transfers came with the work of multiple full-time jobs. "We had to manually enter outgoing wires into the bank site. That was a full-time job in itself, and leaves a lot more room for errors" due to all the information needing to be keyed in by hand. "We also had to manually post the FED REF numbers once wires processed through the bank, and manually post the incoming wires into files," Shayna added. "That was also a full time job." The amount of work needed to manage wire transactions was costing the team valuable time that could have been used to better serve their customers. 

The Solution with SoftPro Banking

Utilizing SoftPro Banking has allowed the Navi Title team to automate the wire transfer process and free up their time for other tasks. "The outgoing wires are integrated with the bank, so once entered via the file and approved, they process through the bank automatically," explains Shayna. "The incoming wires are also linked to the bank and easily linked to the files. Both of these functions are seamless using SoftPro Banking." The SoftPro Banking platform is able to pull information directly from the SoftPro order, reducing time spent on data-entry and eliminating rekeying errors. 

The Results for Navi Title Agency

Shayna explains that SoftPro Banking's "streamlined process eliminates the need for a big accounting team and is such a time-saver." Utilizing SoftPro Banking has allowed the Navi Title team to reallocate their manpower to focus on increasing their order volume and serving their customers efficiently. When asked to share her final thoughts, Shayna gets straight to the point: "We love SoftPro Banking."

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Topics: Best Practices, Testimonials & Case Studies