9/30/22 10:51 AM

SoftPro Customer Testimonial — Kathy Kwak

Kathy Kwak, with Proper Title, LLC, utilizes SoftPro to increase efficiency and improve communication amongst the Proper Title team. 


What goals has SoftPro helped your company achieve? 

One of the goals that SoftPro has helped Proper Title achieve is automation, meaning 'easy, better, faster.' Because the Proper Title staff are able to be more productive and work faster, our customers are very happy because they’re getting their products faster and in a timely fashion.

What has been your favorite part about using SoftPro?

One of my favorite features in SoftPro is the notes. I’m a big note advocate because it’s the best way to communicate among our staff. My general rule is: if you touch it, then you have to note the file. And I do like the enhanced feature of the pop-up note so that even if you dismiss it, there’s more likelihood that the staff that’s opening the file will read the note to be alerted to anything peculiar about that file.

How does the SoftPro 360 platform help your organization?

The biggest benefit of using the SoftPro 360 platform is the fact that all of our outside vendors are integrated within SoftPro so that we never have to leave SoftPro. We can just click on the SoftPro 360 tab and then all of our outside vendors are right there, so everything is working within one system instead of logging off or exiting and going into another platform.

Why would you recommend SoftPro? 

I would recommend SoftPro to someone who is thinking about starting a title company or maybe has wanted to switch programs from one to another. I just feel that SoftPro really understands how a title company should be working — meaning workflow, tasks, and helping the staff within the title companies communicate with each other within the same platform with the notes feature. So yes, I would definitely recommend SoftPro!

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