8/21/24 10:50 AM

SoftPro Customer Testimonial — Tiffany Jones

Tiffany Jones and the team at Truly Title have utilized SoftPro Select to go 95% paperless and achieve a more modern working environment.

When Tiffany Jones and the Truly Title team started using SoftPro Select, they set a goal of transitioning their office from being 50% paperless to 95% paperless. Tiffany explains that the team is able to use SoftPro's scanning tools, automation, tasking, and the attachment browser to achieve a more modern work environment. "All those things inside of SoftPro Select have helped us achieve the goal of becoming paperless as much as we can," she says. The Truly Title team also saves time and paper by utilizing SoftPro 360, the free vendor portal that links SoftPro users to a nationwide network of over 70 vendors for services such as eRecording, CPLs, jackets, eClosings, property and tax searches, and more. SoftPro 360 supports one-time data entry to reduce keystrokes and improve accuracy, and all of the information from the order is automatically passed back to your SoftPro file, something Tiffany finds particularly convenient. "It's all centralized in one location and easy to track what's outstanding and what's not," she adds.

Tiffany shares that her favorite part about using SoftPro is the customization. Adding dynamic formulas and setting up automation processes have helped Tiffany and the team tailor their software to their needs and customize their workflows. She adds "No two SoftPro Select instances are the same because of how customizable they are to their customer base."

Tiffany confirms that she would recommend SoftPro to anyone in the title and escrow industry because of the level of support that she has experienced. "There's no other application that I've ever used or encountered that has as much hands-on support, where they will take the time to make sure that the application is meeting your needs," she says. She reiterates how helpful it is that SoftPro can be configured exactly to the specifications required to maximize Truly Title's efficiency. 

Read more SoftPro testimonials and case studies:


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