7/13/22 10:52 AM

Introducing SoftPro Sign: An eSign and RON Solution

SoftPro has released a powerful new product that has both eSign and Remote Online Notarization (RON) functionality. SoftPro Sign is a versatile solution that can be used exclusively for eSigning, or for eSigning paired with RON. Available within the...
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7/7/22 10:47 AM

Introducing BC Law Integration in SoftPro 360!

SoftPro has released a new integration with BC Law for sending and receiving closing services through the SoftPro 360 vendor portal.
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6/9/22 1:49 PM

Introducing Texan Title Integration in SoftPro 360!

SoftPro released a new integration with Texan Title for title search services. SoftPro users who are agents of Texan Title can share data seamlessly via the SoftPro 360 vendor exchange portal.
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5/5/22 10:55 AM

Introducing Notarize Integration in SoftPro 360!

SoftPro has released a new integration with NotarizeSM for online notarizations. SoftPro users can place and manage both title and lender-initiated notary transactions through Notarize via the SoftPro 360 business exchange portal without leaving their...
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4/5/22 9:55 AM

Introducing SoftPro Banking in SoftPro Select

Introducing SoftPro Banking, a new platform for securely sending and receiving wire transfers directly from SoftPro Select. With SoftPro Banking, users can manage wire transfers from a network of integrated banks from across the U.S.
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12/8/21 10:47 AM

Introducing ClosingLock Integration in SoftPro 360!

SoftPro released a new integration with ClosingLock for wire fraud prevention. With a secure, easy-to-use platform for title companies, law firms, and other financial service providers to protect themselves and their clients from wire fraud, SoftPro...
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11/17/21 1:03 PM

New Functionality in agentTRAX Integration in SoftPro 360!

SoftPro has released new functionality to its Fidelity National Financial agentTRAX integration. Agents of Fidelity National Financial's family of underwriters who use SoftPro can now use the agentTRAX Starter Search* feature to search for starter...
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11/3/21 9:56 AM

Introducing Exacta Integration in SoftPro 360!

SoftPro has announced the release of a new integration with Exacta Land Surveyors, LLC. Ordering survey services directly through SoftPro's business exchange portal, SoftPro 360, eliminates the rekeying of data and expedites the procurement and tracking...
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10/6/21 10:55 AM

Introducing Enhanced Agents National Title Integration in SoftPro 360!

SoftPro released an enhanced integration with Agents National Title Insurance. SoftPro users who are agents of Agents National Title, aka "Agents' agents," can generate closing protection letters and policy jackets through the seamless integration...
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7/14/21 10:53 AM

Introducing Enhanced Stewart Integration in SoftPro 360!

SoftPro has released a newly enhanced integration with Stewart for generating approved Stewart closing protection letters and policy jackets. SoftPro users who are agents of Stewart can optimize their policy and CPL production through this new...
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